My Toddler routine |ad|

My toddler routine 

This blogpost is sponsored by Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment

A lot of you have been asking me to post all about Annabelle’s routine. So finally, here it is. 

I am such a routine lover. Without a routine I get lost, I can totally start procrastinating and I get nothing done. I need to literally have a time table so I get all my content done, dinner done, have time for my boys, homework, cleaning, any extra activities and then the gym. So, this might inspire you or give you an idea of something you might like to copy. 

 7:45 we all get up. Boys get ready for school, I get myself fully ready for the day. Gym gear on, CC cream, blush, etc.

 By 8:15 I go into Annabelle’s room to get her ready, dressed etc.

 8:30 we come down to have porridge. I usually leave the porridge soaking in water from the night before, so I just come down and turn it on.  I put lunches in the bag, brush teeth and we leave the house at 9:00 to bring the boys to school.  Then I come back home, have a coffee and sit down for 40 minutes with Annabelle to play.

 By 10:30 I am already creating content and preparing dinner simultaneously while Annabelle plays around in the kitchen 

 11:30-12:00 Annabelle has lunch followed by a bottle and a 2-and-a-half-hour nap

 12:30 I have lunch myself, finish dinner, edit pictures for the blog. And I have an hour of cleaning, washing or whatever house work I’m doing in the day. 

 2:15 my Senior Infants comes home. A neighbourfriend brings him home which is so handy because Annabelle is still in bed.  We do homework, have a snack, change uniforms and at 2:45 we have toleave to collect my first-class boy.

 3:15 come home, do homework. And go to extra activities if any. In between that time, we all have snacks, including Annabelle. We do playtime, finish cleaning the kitchen etc.

 At 5:00 I have to make lunches for school next day and wash the floors every day. I just need to because with a dog and Annabelle playing on the ground, I feel this is essential. 

 6:00 start to serve dinner to the kids and myself.

 6:30-7:00 is bath time and showers for the boys and Annabelle.  When changing Annabelle, I make sure to apply a layer of Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment, before putting on her nappy. I do this especially before bed time. What I like the most about Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment is that it is free from fragrances, colours and preservatives.   Young baby skin is very sensitive so a good product to protect their skin is essential.  With my first baby I had a horrible experience with a very bad nappy rash. Now we just make sure we are protected with a good ointment like Bepanthen Nappy Care Ointment to help avoid the cause of those horrible rashes 

 7:30 Annabelle is in bed with a bottle.  Around this time my husband gets in, and he put the boys to bed. 

 By 7:45 I’m gone to the gym

 I’m back by 9:00 pm have a shower. Usually reply to everyone on Instagram and my emails. Read a book. Totally disconnect and go to sleep by 11-11:30

I literally don’t stop to get everything done, I run the day like clockwork, and it feels good to be productive and get all I want done.

Hope this helps a little. I love to read other people’s routine to give me ideas of what can I do to be more productive.

I take it easy on the weekends. I keep the weekends for my family. Sometimes I might create some content and every second Sunday I get my ironing done.

As usual if you have any questions you know where to find me

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